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A Look At The Artist Phil Frost.

I first discovered the work of Phil Frost when i got taken to london at 15 years old to visit some skate spots, we went to the legendary slam city skates and i saw the amazing murial’s out side by him even though at the time i had no idea who they were by.


These crazy faces i saw painted kinda stuck in my head over the years, ive always wanted to be an artist of some form, as a kid id sit in on a friday night listening to tim westwood on the radio and sketch out a graff piece or try to imitate these faces i had in my mind from out side the skate shop.

Years later i bought the DJ Shadow album preemptive strike where i saw this same crazy art that id have embedded in my brain all these years but still never knew who the artist was.

Ive recently found out that the artist is Phil Frost, hes a New York artist who’s work first became known in the early 1990s.

His work is so unique you can tell its a frost piece straight away, have a look at some of my fave examples of his work.

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